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Chinese Unglazed Pottery Figure of a Mythical Tricorn Animal
Chinese Unglazed Pottery Figure of a Mythical Tricorn Animal
Western Jin dynasty, AD 265-317
Unusual Chinese Gray Pottery Figure of a Seated Shaggy Dog (possibly an Afghan)
Unusual Chinese Gray Pottery Figure of a Seated Shaggy Dog (possibly an Afghan)
Yuan dynasty, 13th century
Chinese Gilt-Lacquered Bronze Figure of a Bodhisattva
Chinese Gilt-Lacquered Bronze Figure of a Bodhisattva
Ming dynasty, 16th century, Dated 1593
Chinese Unglazed Pottery Court Lady
Chinese Unglazed Pottery Court Lady
Tang dynasty, AD 618-907
Pair of Chinese Unglazed Pottery Figures of Acrobats
Pair of Chinese Unglazed Pottery Figures of Acrobats
Han dynasty, ca: 1st century AD
Rare and important Large Chinese Iron Figure of a Bodhisattva
Rare and important Large Chinese Iron Figure of a Bodhisattva
Yuan/ early Ming dynasty, ca: 14th/ 15th century
Fine Chinese Glazed  Ribbed Jar with Handles
Fine Chinese Glazed Ribbed Jar with Handles
Jin dynasty, 12th/ 13th century
Pair of Chinese Cizhou Glazed Double Gourd Vases
Pair of Chinese Cizhou Glazed Double Gourd Vases
Ca: 17th/ early 18th century
Chinese Glazed Pottery Vase
Chinese Glazed Pottery Vase
Han dynasty, ca: 1st century AD
Chinese Black Glazed Handled Gallipot/  Martaban Type Vase
Chinese Black Glazed Handled Gallipot/ Martaban Type Vase
Yuan dynasty, ca: 13th century
Fine Pair of Chinese Sancai Glazed Figural Rooftiles
Fine Pair of Chinese Sancai Glazed Figural Rooftiles
Ming dynasty, ca: 16th / 17th century
Fine and Rare Pair of Chinese Qingbai Glazed Vases and Covers
Fine and Rare Pair of Chinese Qingbai Glazed Vases and Covers
Southern Song dynasty, ca: 11th/ 12th century
Chinese Carved Wood Head of a Bodhisattva
Chinese Carved Wood Head of a Bodhisattva
Ming dynasty, ca: 16th century
Chinese Unglazed Pottery Lokapala Guardian Figure
Chinese Unglazed Pottery Lokapala Guardian Figure
Tang dynasty
Two  Chinese White Ware/ Qingbai Ewers with String Design
Two Chinese White Ware/ Qingbai Ewers with String Design
Northern Song dynasty, ca: 11th- 12th century
Chinese Painted Pottery Equestrian Figure
Chinese Painted Pottery Equestrian Figure
Northern Wei dynasty, AD 386-535
Chinese Unglazed Pottery Figure of a Kneeling Camel
Chinese Unglazed Pottery Figure of a Kneeling Camel
Tang dynasty, AD 618-907
Fine Pair of Chinese Unglazed Pottery Dancers
Fine Pair of Chinese Unglazed Pottery Dancers
Han dynasty, ca: 2nd century BC
Fine Chinese Gilt Bronze Figure of a Buddhist Lion
Fine Chinese Gilt Bronze Figure of a Buddhist Lion
Yuan/ Ming Dynasty, ca: 14th-15th century
Chinese Green Glazed Pottery Well Head
Chinese Green Glazed Pottery Well Head
Han Dynasty
Chinese Bronze Censer of Liu Hai, the Daoist god of Prosperity, Standing upon a Three Legged Toad
Chinese Bronze Censer of Liu Hai, the Daoist god of Prosperity, Standing upon a Three Legged Toad
Ming dynasty, ca: 16th century
Chinese Bronze Figure of a Buddha
Chinese Bronze Figure of a Buddha
Ming dynasty, ca: 15th/16th century
Unusual Chinese Metal Scholar's Rock
Unusual Chinese Metal Scholar's Rock
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